May 24, 2011

Apple TV Beat Google TV!

First generation and second generation Apple TV model both mastering streaming media market. The market share of Apple TV currently reaches about 55 percent.

The news was reported by In-Stat, a researcher of regional and global multimedia market. They do the tracking number of a streaming device unit sales during 2010.

Streaming media devices, known as over-the-top (OTT) is only sold 3.5 million units. While Apple could sell 4.69 million units iPad until late April. The increase was supported streaming service that Netflix was applied to the iPad.

Apple TVs sent to market and sold about 1.95 million units. All other trademarks Roku only 450,000 units, 175,000 units TiVo. Internet TV products such as Google TV Logitech, Iomega, Boxee, Western Digital, Sony and Seagate each sold 100,000 units.

In-Stat conducted a survey of 393 users. They found 41% of users view video content from a PC. Approximately 25.7% using Konsel video games like Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3, which also offers streaming media services.

Users access television services continued with Blu-ray player only 22.4%. Then the video streamer users only 11.2%. Being those who use the software on a PC to watch streaming video of 6.4%. (* / Pcmag/OL-9)