June 11, 2011

Dell Launches Streak Pro 10 in China

photo: engaget

Instead of the United States and Europe, Dell Inc. decided to release their newest tablet Android 10 inches , Streak 10 Pro, in China this year.
Dell Streak 10 Pro is expected to lure "prosumer" Chinese, or consumers who really understand technology. At least, according to the President of Dell to China and South Asia region, Amit Midha, as quoted by Reuters on Friday (10/06/2011).
Dell's decision to choose China to launch a new tablet that describes the growth of the Bamboo Curtain country as a very important market for U.S. based company. According to Midha, Dell's sales in China grew 22 percent recorded in the first quarter of 2011.
"We currently occupy second position in the Chinese computer market. Besides, we see significant improvement for users of small and medium businesses, which adopted a product with high mobility as part of their corporate development plan," Midha said.
Actually, this is not the first time that Dell chose China to launch new products. In 2009, Dell announced plans to market smartphones in China before finally heading Brazil.
With the release tablets Android in China, Dell hopes to give more time to developers to be able to develop applications for their devices, following the Chinese government's decision to block a number of Google applications. Plus, the Android Market also could not be accessed in China.
Dell Streak Pro was allegedly going to carry the Android operating system 3.1 and NVIDIA Tegra processors 2.GLBenchmark also claim this brand-new tablet has a screen resolution of 1280 x 752 pixels, instead of the standard version of 1280 x 800 pixels.